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Southern Electronics Tech Ltd
Многопрофильный поставщик
{0} лет
Guangdong, China
Основные продукты:Интегральные схемы, печатные платы и печатные платы, модули, платы разработки, транзисторы и другие компоненты
Cooperated suppliers (2000)Consolidation serviceOn-site material inspectionMulti-Language capability:
Горячий модуль
ГОРЯЧАЯ микросхема
Горячий OEM
Горячий RTS
Southern Electronics Tech Ltd.—— Established in 2006.A professional dealer and agent in the global market. Capable of meeting all electronic components and procurement requirements.We supply 100% original product. At the same time, we can also help you find more favorable substitute products.Over the years, with strict quality control procedures, strong technical guidance, rapid market response, high-quality customer service and good corporate reputation, it has won the recognition of users and become a long-term partner. We do not regularly participate in offline exhibitions, in order to shorten the distance between us and buyers, so that buyers trust us more.
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